The end of the academic year is inevitably a busy time, this year no less so than usual. It has been full of highlights, even if some are tinged with sadness as I know they also mark the end of things which have been full of joy and life. I still very much operate in academic years and so it is this time of year, for me, much more than December / January which is synonymous with endings and new beginnings. There is much to reflect on as another year draws to a close.
Busy it may be, but both in work and out of it, I have been very much enjoying the summer. And while I fear for a planet which is heading into an era of greater climate extremes and instability, and for the collective cognitive dissonance which suggests it's unlikely we're going to do anything about it before it's too late, I can't deny I've been enjoying the long summer days and making the most of the sunshine!
Even if there were not too many to name, a list of the highlights would be somewhat dull, I imagine, for anyone but me, but I am going to indulge in sharing a few photos which hopefully capture something of the laughter and joy of the season.
There are, should you be interested, plenty more photos of the various summer activities at St Chad's Sanctuary, Northern Leg's trip to Edinburgh, and our trip to Lancaster and Kendal.
The problems of the world have not gone away, tragedies unfold every day around us; and yet somehow, when the sun shines, it seems the world smiles just a little bit more, and maybe that is no bad thing.
And now, my new diary is to hand ... it is time to begin filling it with next year's adventures!