Thursday 17 November 2011

Marked with the sign of the cross

The sign of the cross is a simple prayer. Here it is very visible: all prayers invariably begin and end with it; and it is not uncommon to see people sign themselves with the cross as they get in a jeepney (which is perhaps slightly unnerving) before they take a penalty kick, as they get up to perform karaoke...

As something so familiar, so simple so automatic; it seemed to me it is also worthy of a little more reflection. I have tried to capture some of my thoughts in this poem, although I’m not sure how successfully I have done so.

Marked with the Sign of the Cross

What is this sign?
This symbol of the cross
Instrument of torture and suffering
Weapon of oppression and occupation

Becoming new

A sign of resistance, of the new order
A sign of hope and a sign of love
A sign of God

You are marked with the sign of the cross

What is this sign?
A sign which reaches to the heavens
And touches the earth
A sign which stretches wide
Encompassing all of humanity

A sign of a relationship
God with humanity
On a relationship of humanity
With Humanity

You are marked with the sign of the cross

What is this sign?

A sign that touches the head
Engaging intellect
Encouraging learning
Demanding growth

A sign that touches the heart
Offering love
Inviting a response
From the depths of the soul

A sign that touches the arms
Touched by the cross
To reach out and touch others
To live out the message of the cross

You are marked with the sign of the cross
That you might live the sign of the cross

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